Friday, April 15, 2011

In Search of My Own Glinda…

You may recall that she is the good witch in the Land of Oz…so early Wednesday morning I headed out on the yellow brick road to Oz (or Aus. if you prefer). Cheri had headed Down Under a couple weeks previously and now it was my time to search for her.

The first leg of the trip was a six-hour flight from Boston to San Francisco. I was then able to take advantage of an almost 8 hour layover to explore the finer points of the San Francisco airport. Finally I boarded a 747 for the almost 16 hour flight from San Francisco to Sydney.


As arduous as a 16 hour flight may seem, I was able to get over five hours of sleep, watch a couple of movies, and walk around a little to keep the blood flow and the interest up. Clearing customs went smoothly and quickly, and I was soon being welcomed to Sydney.
Similar to the route Cheri had taken earlier, I made a reservation with an express bus service to travel between Sydney and Canberra. It was a three hour ride that gave me an opportunity to see some of the countryside (it reminds me a little of the hill country of Texas…pictures later from a time when I am not flying by on a bus).


As I took a quick shower and then a brief nap, Cheri and Sarah began working on dinner…we seem to be settling in nicely.
Sarah and Glinda…I mean Cheri…met me at the Central Bus Station in Canberra. It sure is great to see Sarah in person after eighteen months (also pretty nice to see Cheri again after a couple of weeks). We stopped on the way to Sarah and Andrew’s house to pick up some meat pies (a staple food product here in Oz) for lunch and some wine (another staple) for dinner.

We are all safely here…so let the Adventure in Oz begin…


Anonymous said...

I am very jealous! I have always wanted to go to Australia. Someday! Enjoy!

Dan said...

Glad you made it there safely! Sounds like it's going to be a great trip. I am also jealous. Watch out for the wildlife down there, though. From what I hear, just about everything can kill you.

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