Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Dawn of Renaissance

If we are coming out of the Dark Ages then this must be the Renaissance Era. Colder shorter days are behind us as we enter into Spring. With the longer is a short update

To help us reach this point between the Dark Ages and today, the Adventures had to just keep on going. First off, I was able to go to a Celtics game as a part of an auction item from one of our fundraisers.


Next, Cheri and I were able to enjoy an Elton John concert in Worcester, which took us back over 30 years, and he was just as good as ever (we had gone to see him in Boston when we were dating in high school).

March Madness likewise helped fill in the time (although my experience and expertise in bracket-tology is somewhat seems everyone’s is this year), and it became another excuse for some good food and wine.

Several of our wives took off for Vermont to spend a weekend away. That meant we guys could get together as well, cook up a little beef, and enjoy some time together as well; all with college basketball going on in the background.
IMG_2722 IMG_2725 IMG_2727

While all this was happening my wrist continued, somewhat, on the mend. Although we initially thought that a closed reduction (having the bones set without having surgery) would work to correct the wrist it turned out that the bones settled out of alignment after three weeks...then open reduction (surgery) was required.

After surgery I now have a plate and some pins holding the bones together. The wrist is still a little stiff, but the scar isn't too bad and with massaging and stretching it seems to be getting better (I won’t both you with pictures of the scar)..

Cheri is off to Australia to visit Sarah and I had to join them in a couple weeks. Meanwhile new growth in the yard lets us know that the Renaissance of Spring is happening.


Let the Adventures continue…


Dan Whitney said...

Glad the wrist is mending, Uncle Dana! The beef you guys had looks a lot like hat I'm eating with my dad right now. Good choice.

I'm looking forward to your Australia posts in a few weeks!

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