Sunday, April 10, 2011

Still in Kansas…

Just a short blurb this time…it's not the adventures stopped happening…it's just that they seem slower when Cheri isn't here. Although it won't be long before I'm caught up in a tornado of activities getting ready to head for Oz and join Cheri on another adventure.

I checked with my doctor about biking or any form of lifting, and was told to wait a few more weeks. But, that didn't keep me from at least going out for a walk on Saturday morning (being an early riser made for a pleasant outing along the roadways).

Fortunately I put my camera in my pocket, and it is surprising what you see when you slow down and walk a little. Over the last seven years I have run and biked along these roads many times; this early morning some items jumped out at me that I haven't seen before.

Here are some of the early morning photos from the short loop near our house:


Next thing you know…I’ll be following the Yellow Brick Road to my next Adventure!  More to follow soon...


dvlwearingkhakis said...

The photos look great Dad. You'll be on your way in another few days, can't wait to see you!

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