Thursday, April 10, 2014

On the Coast of Oz

We have been in Oz for several days now (or in Cheri's case several weeks), and besides taking a trip to the coast it is time I did a little blog here you go.
Of course the first thing people will want to see if here is the early fix...

We--Cheri and I, Paul and Judy, Sarah, Andrew and Evelyn--left Canberra on Wednesday and headed east towards the coast. After about three hours and a few stops we were in Vincentia, New South Wales (about 100 miles south of Sydney).


Sarah had arranged for a beach house and we were going to close out the Australian summer with a final few days. From the road side you get some feeling that we were near the beach,


but once you get out on the back deck you can see how close we were to the ocean...the sound of the waves lulled us to sleep each evening.

From the beach you can see the upper deck through the scrub brush...







Since it was early afternoon we decided to take a stroll along the beach and the Tasman Sea just outside the house. It gave us a nice walk before an evening of barbequed chicken, good wines (US and Australian), and then some cards.

The next morning we were treated to a special pancake breakfast by Sarah (pancake like muffins covered with a maple buttercream and crumbled bacon) along with Judy's eggs and fruit salad. Of course Evelyn had Vegemite on toast for her breakfast..our own little Aussie...
Then we piled into the cars and headed off to the Booderee Commonwealth Park for some sightseeing.
Murray Beach is a beautiful area and if we had better weather it would be a delightful place to spend a day...maybe a future trip to Oz.
Cheri taking some photos of her own
After a (drizzly) morning at the beach we headed back to our cars only to be met by a wallaby in the parking lot.

We didn't bother him...he didn't bother us and we headed off for fish and chips back in town...our Adventures in Oz continue.

A final photo of Evelyn...for this blog.



Sheila said...

Really enjoyed hearing about your family vacation time in Australia with Sarah, Andrew and Evie. So happy for you all that you've had this special time together! Thanks for sending the great photos. Evelyn is beautiful.

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