Sunday, April 13, 2014

Another Day at the Oz

We woke up on Friday to the sun shining through the clouds over Point Perpendicular...across Jervis Bay.

Before heading out for the day we thought this would be a good time for some group photos...


We didn't have to check out of the house until 10 am, so we headed off to Hyam's Beach Cafe for breakfast and the spent some time on the beach. Hyam's Beach is a beautiful area and since we were there at the start of the off-season there were not too many people around. This gave us some time to walk along the beach and Sarah some time to shoot some "plain old film" photos. I stuck with my nice little digital camera...and still got a few nice shots. Cheri also got some great photos...




And then Miss Evelyn was ready for her morning nap...

We drove back to Canberra by way of the coast road, with a short "stretch" break in Bateman's Bay (a nice resort town) before turning inland towards the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). While stopped saw some pelicans that most of the tourists are gone...




We did make another short stop at the Braidwood Bakery (in Braidwood, NSW of all places) to have a quick lunch of meat pies...a popular stopping point and well worth it!



Footy on Saturday...

The next day Andrew and I met up with a a couple of his mates in Tuggernong, ACT (a few kilometers from their home) and rode a free bus to GIO Stadium for a Canberra Raiders National Rugby League game.

The bus got us to the stadium just before warms ups were over so we saw a little practice on the field first...


Our seats were in the "end zone" so a Try (touchdown) made at our end had them kicking the extra two points towards us (if you look closely you can see the ball in the air). The extra point kicks are taken for a point straight out from where the ball is touched down and it is basically a free kick with no defenders.


Unfortunately, although the photo is of a Raiders' kick they did not make enough to win the game. But it was "Knit Beanie Day" so we brought a present home for Evelyn...and she looks like a fan already.


The Adventures in Oz continue for a few more days.





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