Sunday, September 15, 2013

Return to Oz – Part 1

Arrival and Day One back in Oz

It seemed pre-ordained when we arrived in Sydney Airport and saw the sign…


We were traveling to see Andrew and Sarah, but even more importantly (not that they are less important) to see our future in Evelyn Louise Walker.


The traveling took about 24 hours in airports and airplanes and we then took the express bus from Sydney to Canberra for another 3 hours.  Along with us came four suitcases, two backpacks, and a briefcase (for the laptop, iPad, and various charging cables).

Andrew, Paul, and Judy met us at the Bus Depot, loaded us into two cars and we were off to Sarah and Andrew’s (and Evelyn’s) home in Gowrie.


Sarah made sure that Evelyn had napped and was in a clean nappy when we came through the door so she was presented to us proper…



Even I got to hold her…


As well as Paul and Judy getting to see her awake…



Evelyn needed to go down for a nap soon after we arrived (Sarah had been keeping her awake for us), so Paul and Judy headed out and we spent some time emptying our suitcases (which contained many presents for Evelyn) and letting Andrew and Sarah open the packages…

Oz 2013

Oz 2013-001         

When Evelyn woke back up it was pointed out that most pictures had someone else holding her…like this one…


The next morning we thought a walk was in order.  We bundled up Evelyn, set her in her pram, had Paul and Judy join us and we set off to the local town center.


but  there were not many of Sarah holding her…so we obliged…



We did stop at a bakery / coffee shop for a few minutes before working our way back home.

We lazed about quite a bit on this first full day and later in the day Paul, Judy and Kate (Andrew's sister) came by for happy hour and snacks. It was a great first day back in Oz!  We made it an early evening (since our body time clocks were still running on a schedule that is 14 hours later than in Canberra).

It felt like the airport sign was right…The Right Future.  Starting Now. 

The Adventures in Oz continue…


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