Thursday, September 19, 2013

Days at Home in Oz

No big outings were planned for our third day in Oz…just the way to spend a vacation.  That doesn’t mean we were not active, only we did it at our own pace and without significant planning (at least on our part…we were able to just “ride along”).

How could the morning start any better than each of us getting a chance to hold little Miss Evelyn for a little bit.

Oz 2.2
Oz 2.6

Just to keep ourselves in a little bit of shape (other than pear shaped) Cheri and I  borrowed Sarah and Andrew’s bicycles and headed over to Paul and Judy’s house (less than 1/2 mile away).  Meeting up with them we went our separate ways—Judy, Cheri, and Doreen a friend of Judy’s in one direction; Paul and I in another.

Andrew’s bicycle is a mountain bike so it took a few adjustments to get use to that versus my road bike…plus not being clipped to the pedals.

Oz 2.1

We did make a short stop near the midpoint of our loop around Mt. Taylor for a flat-white (an Aussie latte) and a fresh cannoli…did I mention I was on vacation?

What was a little more disconcerting was riding on the left side of the bike paths (just like the way Aussies drive).  Even still I was able to get my camera out of my pocket while riding and get a shot of Paul ahead of me…you can see it was an outstanding day for riding.
Oz 2.3

I am told the ladies had just as difficult a ride around the Lake Tuggeranong…even with a little pastry stop as well.

Soon after we returned home it was time for an early afternoon barbeque with the Walker family—Paul, Judy, Michael, Paulina, Kate, Chris…and of course Andrew, Sarah & Evelyn.

 Oz 2013-002
Later in the afternoon (after all the other party-goers had left) there was some more “Evelyn time”…

Oz 2.7

Oz 2.5      


bundling up for a trip to the grocers (Woolworths in Oz)…


Trips out to more coffee shops (Malcolm joined us for this outing…

And Cheri and I prepared one of the meals…

just to keep our hands in it.

Adventures are enjoying a nice late summer vacation…

Now on to the vinelyards of Southern Australia…
Oz 2.10

A little bit of bath time—“Into the pot” as Andrew says…

and we had a quiet evening with some TV and reading.

The next few days ended up with rain, so our activities were a little bit more limited…it only meant more time with Evelyn!





Anonymous said...

Cheri, Dana and the New Family!!!
Congratulations to all Evelyn is beautiful! Enjoy your time together - like I had to remind you.
Thanks so much for sharing your joy!

Jim & Lisa

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