Saturday, December 29, 2012

Poppers and Party Crowns…

The Christmas Season is never a let down, but after two exciting weddings this Fall it does feel a little anticlimactic…not in a bad way, just a little less hectic.

A week before Christmas we got our tree and put up decorations inside and out (James and Stephanie gave us a cranberry wreath that found a good home on the side of the garden shed); Nana and Papa had travelled down on Sunday and before we knew it Christmas Eve was upon us…


The church was decorated as well…using some of the tall candle votives from Jess & PJ’s wedding to light the stairway.

Cheri played bells for the service and they were wonderful—as always…

We went to the Harrison’s after the service for dinner and some games before calling it an early evening and heading back home.  Tim Whitney was able to leave his boat early (a submarine for those of you not familiar with the lingo), but he had to stay within 100 miles of the base for the evening; so he was at the house with Nana and Papa to greet us.

Christmas morning we awoke to a dusting of snow…so it was a White Christmas…if only lightly.  Tim headed out to join his family in Grey, ME where Scott’s mother and sister live and soon after Tim went out the door Kristina came in (out with a nephew…in with a niece). IMG_4789
Regardless of when you showed up or left on Christmas morning you got treated to our traditional Eggs Benedict (made with me as the Exec. Chef and Cheri as sous-Chef).
Then it was into the Keeping Room to sit by the fire and open some presents.  With everything else going on this we decided to have stocking gifts only (which for some people included actual socks).  Jess and PJ were able to Skype with us from Denver during the short period they had between Jess coming home from her night shift and PJ heading out for his 12-hour day shift.
 Christmas 2012

After presents Kris had to head back to Worcester to work in the afternoon. 

Nana decorated the Dining Room table while I made up the base for Poinsettia cocktails.  Papa got the Oyster Stew ready (another holiday tradition..Papa had made it after arriving on Sunday, but this was the first big serving…if you didn’t count Tim’s two bowls on Christmas Eve while Cheri and I were at Harrisons’…or Papa’s couple of “testing” bowls).

Jamie, Martha and Christopher Harrison joined us for Christmas Dinner and we started with appetizers, Poinsettia Cocktails, and the Stew.  We also had a chance to Skype with Sarah and Andrew (they were already celebrating Boxing Day in Australia and getting ready to head out with Paul and Judy to the Walker’s townhouse in Jindabyne (a resort area in the mountains). 
Then it was into the Dining Room for Dinner.  Since it was a Birthday Party we had “poppers” at each seat…we all ended up with trinkets and birthday crowns…which we wore throughout the meal.
Christmas 2012-001

The day after Christmas we continued the celebrations with first Dan and Monica Whitney joining us from NYC and then the rest of the Whitney family stopping by on their way home from Maine.  It meant more Oyster Stew, sandwiches made with roast beef from the Christmas feasts…and more cookies.
  Christmas 2012-002

Then everyone headed off to their own homes…leaving Cheri and I to sit by the fire and plan our next Adventures…on to 2013! .

Happy New Year to Everyone!


Anonymous said...

Dear Dana & Cheri, We thank you again for another lovely Christmas holiday at your place.
We ate ALL we needed to & opened lots of great gifts for which we are both greatful--thanks so much. We hope you'll come to NH soon!
Love, Nana & Papa

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