Monday, December 31, 2012

One More Time...

Before time runs out Cheri and I decided to have one more 2012 Adventure (other than spending a quiet evening together welcoming in the New Year...possibly outside in the hot tub with surrounding temperatures in the 20's--negative 5 C for our Aussie friends).

Earlier in the year I participate in a fund raising golf tournament for the Medical Center's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit which was followed by a silent auction and then a live auction. I played my normal poor but enjoyable round of golf, but during the live auction I bid on and won the "Fantastic Four" package--two tickets to each of four games made up of the Red Sox, Celtics, Patriots, and Bruins (not looking good for these this year). I used the Sox tickets earlier in the year--row F right behind home plate--and the Celtics tickets are for next week (in 2013), but before 2012 ended we had the Patriot's game to attend.

Parking is always a challenge when going to Gillette Stadium...not the getting in, but when you want to leave. It is not unusual to sit idling in lines getting out of the parking lot for over two hours...and then you still have to drive home. So we decided to try taking the train from T F Greene airport in Rhode Island right to the game.

It was cold at game time (about 20 degrees on the field ...minus 7 C) and we knew It would be cold, so we bundled up...

Our seats were right between the goal line and the 5 yard line so we had a good view for several red zone plays (inside the 20 yard line for those of you down under)...

The way the Patriots were scoring in the 28 - 0 routing we had several chances to see handfuls of snow being tossed in the air...all in celebration....

Then it was back on to the train (we actually headed to the train with 8 minutes left in the game both to get a seat together and to start warming up). As we pulled out of the station (30 minutes after the game ended) we could see the brake lights of the cars queuing up to leave in the parking lot...and we were already on our way. From the airport train station it was a fairy quick ride back to Woodstock.

A fitting end to the 2012 Adventures. Let's see what 2013 has for Adventures for us...Happy New Year!


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