Monday, December 31, 2012

One More Time...

Before time runs out Cheri and I decided to have one more 2012 Adventure (other than spending a quiet evening together welcoming in the New Year...possibly outside in the hot tub with surrounding temperatures in the 20's--negative 5 C for our Aussie friends).

Earlier in the year I participate in a fund raising golf tournament for the Medical Center's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit which was followed by a silent auction and then a live auction. I played my normal poor but enjoyable round of golf, but during the live auction I bid on and won the "Fantastic Four" package--two tickets to each of four games made up of the Red Sox, Celtics, Patriots, and Bruins (not looking good for these this year). I used the Sox tickets earlier in the year--row F right behind home plate--and the Celtics tickets are for next week (in 2013), but before 2012 ended we had the Patriot's game to attend.

Parking is always a challenge when going to Gillette Stadium...not the getting in, but when you want to leave. It is not unusual to sit idling in lines getting out of the parking lot for over two hours...and then you still have to drive home. So we decided to try taking the train from T F Greene airport in Rhode Island right to the game.

It was cold at game time (about 20 degrees on the field ...minus 7 C) and we knew It would be cold, so we bundled up...

Our seats were right between the goal line and the 5 yard line so we had a good view for several red zone plays (inside the 20 yard line for those of you down under)...

The way the Patriots were scoring in the 28 - 0 routing we had several chances to see handfuls of snow being tossed in the air...all in celebration....

Then it was back on to the train (we actually headed to the train with 8 minutes left in the game both to get a seat together and to start warming up). As we pulled out of the station (30 minutes after the game ended) we could see the brake lights of the cars queuing up to leave in the parking lot...and we were already on our way. From the airport train station it was a fairy quick ride back to Woodstock.

A fitting end to the 2012 Adventures. Let's see what 2013 has for Adventures for us...Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Poppers and Party Crowns…

The Christmas Season is never a let down, but after two exciting weddings this Fall it does feel a little anticlimactic…not in a bad way, just a little less hectic.

A week before Christmas we got our tree and put up decorations inside and out (James and Stephanie gave us a cranberry wreath that found a good home on the side of the garden shed); Nana and Papa had travelled down on Sunday and before we knew it Christmas Eve was upon us…


The church was decorated as well…using some of the tall candle votives from Jess & PJ’s wedding to light the stairway.

Cheri played bells for the service and they were wonderful—as always…

We went to the Harrison’s after the service for dinner and some games before calling it an early evening and heading back home.  Tim Whitney was able to leave his boat early (a submarine for those of you not familiar with the lingo), but he had to stay within 100 miles of the base for the evening; so he was at the house with Nana and Papa to greet us.

Christmas morning we awoke to a dusting of snow…so it was a White Christmas…if only lightly.  Tim headed out to join his family in Grey, ME where Scott’s mother and sister live and soon after Tim went out the door Kristina came in (out with a nephew…in with a niece). IMG_4789
Regardless of when you showed up or left on Christmas morning you got treated to our traditional Eggs Benedict (made with me as the Exec. Chef and Cheri as sous-Chef).
Then it was into the Keeping Room to sit by the fire and open some presents.  With everything else going on this we decided to have stocking gifts only (which for some people included actual socks).  Jess and PJ were able to Skype with us from Denver during the short period they had between Jess coming home from her night shift and PJ heading out for his 12-hour day shift.
 Christmas 2012

After presents Kris had to head back to Worcester to work in the afternoon. 

Nana decorated the Dining Room table while I made up the base for Poinsettia cocktails.  Papa got the Oyster Stew ready (another holiday tradition..Papa had made it after arriving on Sunday, but this was the first big serving…if you didn’t count Tim’s two bowls on Christmas Eve while Cheri and I were at Harrisons’…or Papa’s couple of “testing” bowls).

Jamie, Martha and Christopher Harrison joined us for Christmas Dinner and we started with appetizers, Poinsettia Cocktails, and the Stew.  We also had a chance to Skype with Sarah and Andrew (they were already celebrating Boxing Day in Australia and getting ready to head out with Paul and Judy to the Walker’s townhouse in Jindabyne (a resort area in the mountains). 
Then it was into the Dining Room for Dinner.  Since it was a Birthday Party we had “poppers” at each seat…we all ended up with trinkets and birthday crowns…which we wore throughout the meal.
Christmas 2012-001

The day after Christmas we continued the celebrations with first Dan and Monica Whitney joining us from NYC and then the rest of the Whitney family stopping by on their way home from Maine.  It meant more Oyster Stew, sandwiches made with roast beef from the Christmas feasts…and more cookies.
  Christmas 2012-002

Then everyone headed off to their own homes…leaving Cheri and I to sit by the fire and plan our next Adventures…on to 2013! .

Happy New Year to Everyone!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Don’t Cut the Blue Wire!

Jess and PJ arrived in Connecticut the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.  On the way to our house from the airport we talked about the upcoming wedding and I asked PJ if he had a sense of impending explosion…and then I asked him if he could hear it “tick..tick..tick..tick.”

We had a great Thanksgiving together with Nana and Papa coming down from NH as well as Kristina (my niece) and Sareth Bhimineni (her significant other) joining us from Worcester.  There were many things from simple to large for us to be thankful for, but our greatest thanks was for the upcoming wedding…tick..tick..tick..tick.

Kristina was one of the bridesmaids and more bridesmaids started showing up on Sunday when Jess and PJ picked up Erin in Boston and spent the day touring Boston—brunch, museums, duck tours—tick..tick..tick..tick.

When they got back to the house some time over the next few days was devoted to making the programs and the table cards.

Jess and PJ Wedding-003

Andrew and Sarah (double duty as sister and a bridesmaid) flew into Hartford from Australia on Wednesday.  Since they were going to have a bit of jet-lag we decide to have them check into the hotel in Hartford next to the wedding site.  We loaded up three cars with lanterns, decorations and a wedding dress on Thursday and headed to Hartford to join them;
photo 8

photo 7

We unloaded the decorations at the Society Room—the wedding site—in Hartford and then to met with the event manager to make sure everything was timed, arranged and ready to go.

PJ’s parents, Larry and Ditas flew in that evening as well as his sister Veronica and her husband Matt (one of PJ’s groomsmen) and their daughter Ana (the flower girl)…tick..tick..tick.

photo 6

Then back to the City Steam  where we met Sean (one of the groomsmen) for a final evening libation.
For a little pre-weekend outing we went out to Saluts, a very nice Italian restaurant within walking distance. 

Friday was a quiet day seeing some of the Hartford area and late in the afternoon more groomsmen—Sean, Ryan—and the final bridesmaid—Jen—arrived.  The ladies—Jess and bridesmaids—went out for an evening together at a local tapas restaurant. 

Not to be outdone, all of the guys got together first at the City Steam Brewery which is attached to the Wedding Headquarters (the Marriott Residence Inn where many of us were staying).  After an indeterminate amount Photo Apr 08, 6 33 25 AMof time the group (minus a couple of members) moved first to The Russian Lady—a local, loud nightspot where I was probably the oldest person in the building (the guy  hustling one of the pool tables was possibly older)—then as we headed back towards the hotel we were drawn into Vaughn’s, an Irish Pub, where we met up with the remnants of the ladies night out.  We ended up the last evening before the wedding weekend fully began by closing down the pub and then heading back to the hotel…tick..tick..tick.

photo3 Saturday started out somewhat quiet as well.  The ladies headed out for manicures and pedicures and then a luncheon while I provided a brief taxi service between the airport and downtown for Dan and Paula Chang—leaving Paula with the ladies at Agave’s a Tequila bar while Dan and I headed back to City Steam.


       photo 9  


We had the rehearsal Saturday afternoon and then had some time to head back to our rooms to get ready for the rehearsal dinner.  The dinner was at The Dish, a restaurant in the block next to the hotel, and they provided an outstanding meal.  Keeping with the tradition that we started at Sarah’s wedding (now we are two for two) the fathers gave toasts at the rehearsal dinner leaving the welcome toasts to the mothers at the wedding reception.

I turned to PJ at one point and commented, “tick..tick..tick..tick” and he quickly came back with, “Don’t cut the blue wire!”  You could tell we were getting closer and didn’t want to take any chances.

We were fortunate to have the restaurants, hotel and a brewery cafe all within short distance of each other and just across the street from the Society Room.

Jess and PJ Wedding

Since we once again had many people Photo Apr 09, 6 01 13 AMtraveling from around the country to attend the wedding we had another “after-dinner” get together in a private room at the City Steam.  It was a great way for many people that haven’t seen each other in many years to reconnect before the wedding.  And the visiting continued back in our room (you can see Joe Speelman and his son Geoff joined us from Texas).

The initial activities on Sunday (Wedding Day) began with Jess sending PJ a note and package (that wasn’t ticking)…
Photo Apr 09, 5 59 00 PM

Photo Apr 09, 5 59 32 PM

the Bridesmaids getting their hair and makeup done and then starting to dress…

Jess and PJ Wedding-005

And so did the Groomsmen (without the makeup part)…

Jess and PJ Wedding-004 

Then it was off for the “First Look” and photos (they had decided to see each other and do all the photos before the wedding so we would move smoothly from the service to the reception)…tick..tick..tick..tick.

…but Wait!

While the wedding party was off to the Society Room some nefarious friends were preparing the bridal suite.  Balloons, bells on the door, champagne, welcoming signs…short-sheeting the bed…

Photo Apr 09, 7 52 19 PM

Photo Apr 09, 8 02 53 PM

Photo Apr 09, 7 40 37 PM
Photo Apr 09, 8 02 39 PM

Photo Apr 09, 8 02 26 PM

Then it was time for the “First Look”….PJ being told to look away as Jess approaches and when he can turn to see the bride…BOOM!!

Jess and PJ Wedding-001

With the initial explosion over, the picture taking began in earnest…

 Jess and PJ Wedding-002

The flowers in Jess’ bouquet and on the bridesmaids’ lanterns were handmade from paper by PJ’s cousin Diana.

Ana the Flower Girl, being from Phoenix, was a little cold being outside in December in Connecticut.  Using Tito PJ’s coat helped a little...


but she really didn’t care for the cold and was glad to get back inside for group photos and then the wedding.
Photo Apr 09, 11 03 21 PM

The Wedding and Reception



and then all turned to watch the bridal party enter down the stairs…

The Bridesmaids with lanterns…




Ana with her round bouquet…

and Jess and I had that last moment together with a little hug before heading down the stairs…

PJ was escorted in to the service by his parents…
PJ and Parents

Andrew, our son-in-law escorted Cheri in…





The service was beautiful with our friend The Reverend Jamie Harrison presiding...






The wedding party then retired to the Bride’s room to put feet up and the bustle up for a few minutes…

photo4 Photo Apr 10, 12 04 25 AM          

While the main room was transformed into the reception hall…




The bride and groom were announced and entered down the stairway from above and were then spot-lighted having their first dance…






Sadly I missed PJ’s rendition of “Dance like Mick Jagger”, but at least someone got a photo… 


Jessica’s Grandfather gave the couple some advice and then provided a blessing for the dinner, followed by Jess and PJ’s friend Ryan providing a toast.  Cheri and Ditas then welcomed everyone and gave a moving toast recalling how it seemed only yesterday that these separate lives began and are now joined…

Cheri Toast 1

There was a father of the bride dance and we soon asked other fathers and daughters to join us.  Followed by a mother and son dance.

Dinner was served, the wedding cake (topped by a likeness of Jess, PJ and Maggie) was cut, and the dancing began in earnest.


The dancing went well into the night and when the reception closed down the guests lined the walkway from the Society Room back towards the hotel with sparklers and wished the newlyweds on their way.


The next morning we had a brunch for all those who stayed overnight, and it gave people a chance to see Jess and PJ again before traveling back to their homes around the country and the world (Jess and PJ are honeymooning in late January / early February when they attend their friends’ Jessica and Jake’s wedding in the Dominican Republic).

The newlyweds arrived appropriately attire for the brunch and the day..


Let the expanded Adventures continue…

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