Sunday, August 8, 2010

If You Want Root Beer…Run Faster

The Adventure this week traveled again to the great State of Maine. Cheri and I were registered in the Beach to Beacon 10k Road Race—along with members of the extended Manz and Morris families—held in South Portland and Cape Elizabeth. Just registering for this event meant you had to be quick—more than 6,000 entrants got on-line and closed out the registration in 45 minutes in March.

We headed up to the Morris estate on Friday evening and spent a relaxing evening in our pre-race activities. Saturday morning we were up by 4:45 so we could rendezvous with the Manz clan and convoy to the starting area of the race.

Parking, at least for some of the racers, was in a field near the start line. The guys headed out across the field to scope out the start …

while the ladies joined the line for the porta-potties—their own pre-race ritual—on the left in the photo with people lined up in front of the cars.

We placed ourselves near the back of the pack...around the estimated 10 minute mile pace...for a “before” photo of the runners—at least those of us who had convoyed to the start together (I didn't include our names or Dan and Liz's since most of you already know them).


After the photo Dan, Matt and Thomas headed further up the field to start near David, Heather, Jacob, and Gary—Sno-Dog from David and Heather's hiking of the Appalachian Trail. I was carrying my camera with me for the race so I took a quick arms-length photo of Cheri and myself...just to make sure it worked well.
The start is up near the arch of green and white balloons and we were back near another set of porta-potties and the baggage buses. When the race finally started (about 8:10) it was 5 minutes of shuffling before we crossed the Start line.
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Coming up to the one mile point the racers were starting to spread out well ahead of us...


Cheri and I were continuing to look pretty good at this point as well.


As we passed through parts of Cape Elizabeth there is one spot where the Fire Department ladder trucks hoist up a flag over the race course...

and I took a shot over my head to show that there were quite a few behind us as well.


Going up hills I would pull a little bit ahead of Cheri and then she would catch back up to me as we went over the crests..


in other areas there were many people out just lining the streets and cheering everyone on....some of them had parties with music playing to encourage the runners.

You climb a long hill up to mile 5 and then work down to the ocean...once you pass the small bay you come to the entrance to Fort Williams park with a sharp right turn, 70 yards up one of the toughest hills in the run...then along a pathway towards the finish line.

As we got closer to the finish the crowds got thicker...the yellow sign on the right was held by Dale Smedy (Rachel's mom) and although we didn't see them as we went by that is where the James and Stephanie were as well. Dan had finished well ahead of us and we did hear him cheering us on just before we crossed the finish.


After you cross the finish line your are funneled up a hill into the recovery area with water bottles and more porta-potties. This was also where the grandstand is for the awards and you get a good look at the Beacon—Cape Elizabeth light house—that is the end point of the Beach to Beacon race.

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We slowly met up with our collective running group and headed over to the refreshment tent. Matt Manz let us know that Eli's root beer was being given away at one of the vendor areas...but it appeared that they had already run out by the time we got to the finish area. We ended up with bananas, yogurt, granola bars, and cookies instead.

Beach to Beacon 2010

Then it was a good time to take a group shot of all of the extended family participants from the day's race (everyone's name this time).


The crowds started thinning out and we took a school bus shuttle back to the start line to pick up our vehicles and then travel back to the Morris estate.

Showers...lunch...naps...all good preparation steps before continuing the day's activities—traveling to Thomas Pond and the Wood's family cottage.

We spent the rest of the afternoon and into the early evening visiting on the dock...taking a boat tour of Thomas Pond (with Frank ensconced upon the engine cover keeping an eye on all of us)...playing a little wiffle ball...and giving Angus a workout chasing his water toys.

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It was still fairly early when we got back to the Morris' so while the ladies wnt to bed, we guys stayed up and worked on our pool skills.

Beach to Beacon 2010-2

Sunday morning Stephanie and Thomas were up early to get Thomas on the train back to Boston—he needed to head back for work. The rest of us slept in a bit. Sunday's activities included a golf outing for Dan, James, Matt, Rachel, Gary, Ed Henningson (Heather's dad) and me while Cheri, Stephanie and Robert headed out to movies—fun times were had by all.

Too soon it was 5 pm and time for all of us out of State travelers to head home…

The end of another great adventure.


Anonymous said...

Nice blog Dana. Sounds like you had a great weekend. Pics are real good. My weekend was less exciting, except, I had a chance to meet Kevens new girlfriend. Real nice. dad

Ellie said...

Hey there! Looks like you had a fabulous weekend. You've inspired me to work towards an upcoming race! Can you encourage Bob for me??!!

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