Friday, August 6, 2010

Don’t Wave to Friends at an Auction


Ho Hum…another weekend at the Cottage.  The sun was shining, there were dogs on the grill, and a New Hampshire microbrew wrapped in a koozie from Oz…it is hard to believe it could get much better. .


Dad was able to join us and that gave us some time just being together.


or it also meant some time to just sit on the dock and enjoy the surroundings.

Nana and Papa came over on Saturday afternoon…which of course means it’s time to dead-head the flowers and make the beach look proper…


I was also able to squeeze a little sailing in on Saturday, which was fortunate because there was almost no wind on Sunday.
Sunday was more like…
Sunday was also the day for the Annual Andover Historical Society Auction.  This event takes place at Potter Place and is a nice small town fair.IMG_1412.CR2  Dad bought some homemade jam and relish, both made with rhubarb and very tasty.  We bid on a few things at the auction and ended up coming home with an antique copper foot-warmer and a nice plant stand…probably for the farmer’s porch or back deck at home.
Although I had my camera, I didn’t take many pictures at the fair or auction…to busy waving across the auction tent and almost winning things.
A nice…quiet…relaxing adventure…if only the weekends were longer…


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