Friday, April 13, 2012

Split Boards May Be the Only Way to Ride

Friday – A New Way to Ride

Our adventures in Breckenridge continued with PJ giving skis a try—a split board approach. We spent a little time on Friday getting him acclimated to the skis and a couple of runs down the bunnies’ slopes before Jess and PJ’s friends, Ryan and Lindsey, joined us. IMG_4166

While Jess, Ryan and Lindsey gave PJ some further lessons—without the pressure of future in-laws around—Cheri and I headed up to the top of Peak 10 and made some runs down the expert trails…and yes, I did take another spill while making my way down one of these trails.

It wasn’t much longer before we had PJ out on some intermediate and advanced slopes…he took to the split boards almost naturally.

Our day was spent primarily on Peak 9 with all of us getting in some good runs. Then it was back to the condo to unwind (although who needs to unwind from skiing…it was actually sitting in the hot tub and working the soreness from some of the muscles).

IMG_4167You can see where everyone settled in to text each other across the room (Jess had just put her phone down), but it wasn’t long before we tucked into a wonderful stuffed manicotti dinner that Cheri had prepared the night before. A couple of glasses of wine, a few rounds of the game Taboo (another game for us to try at one of our get-togethers), some tiramisu (also made by Cheri), and we were all ready for bed…so we could do it all again the next day.

Saturday – Back to the Slopes

Another day with all of us on split boards. We settled into what was becoming our routine—ski for 2.5 to 3 hours in the morning, settle down for some homemade lunch with a libation to wash it down, and then get in a few more runs in the afternoon.IMG_4184

While the sandwiches all tasted good and were very much appreciated, you can see that they sometimes got a little squished riding in the backpack. Cheri would say I was pushing back against the backpack while riding the chairlift, but I contended that I was just trying to get the cheese to blend in with the cold cuts.

We did ski our way across the peaks that make up Breckenridge—Peaks 7 through 10—and finished, once again a little sore and out of breath.

It was back to the condo and where we were joined by Jess and PJ’s other friends, Jake and Jessica. Ryan and Lindsey made up the main courses for dinner and we all snacked on various finger foods that everyone made. We taught the group how to play upstairs – downstairs (the card game) for a few rounds and then a board game (Quelf) before Cheri and I headed off to bed. The “younger” crowd stayed up playing some more Taboo, but we didn’t hear them up too late…more of the soreness and out of breath.

Sunday – 12,650 Vertical Feet…Before Lunch

PJ had to be out early on Sunday morning so he could be back in Denver saving lives in the ER by 8 am. Ryan and Lindsey were also on their way early Sunday morning, and we got to see Jake and Jess for a few minutes before they too headed off to family commitments.


IMG_4171Cheri, Jess and I got a little bit later start, but we were soon making our way quickly up and down the slopes. We hit a few expert trails on Peak 10 and then decided we’d work our way across the peaks. As we skied across the mountain we kept coming to trails that we’d previously looked down, but not skied and thought…what the heck!

After one great run we were back up Peak 8 and decided to take the T-bar to the upper slopes. The T-bar brings you to the upper bowlsIMG_4172 and expert terrain. There is one lift that will take you higher, but the conditions were not good enough for us to give that a try. At this point we had an outstanding view back over the village, the valley and the surrounding peaks. You can see Cheri and Jess on the T-bar approaching the top.


Then it was down a steep, heavily moguled expert run. I skied down a ways and you can see the pictures I took back up the slope of Jess and Cheri working their ways down.


The picture gives you a little feeling of the trail, but doesn’t adequately show the steepness or the moguls. It was a challenge, but great to say we did it.


Our efforts (and the lack of having to wait in lift lines) had us skiing 12,650 vertical feet before we stopped for lunch. After our normal break we hit the slopes again and managed to get in 20,779 vertical feet for the day…our original goal was to get in at least 14,000 vertical feet, so we excelled on this day!

Monday – Sometimes Split Boards are Meant to Be…

PJ rejoined us Sunday evening and we all headed out for a day on the slopes Monday morning. Although he enjoyed the skis, PJ was back riding his board this day…at least for a couple of runs. Then he broke on of the bindings on the board and instead of renting another snow board he went back to skis…hmmm.

I commented to Ryan earlier in the week (and he is a great skier) how much I enjoy watching Cheri ski down the slopes. She is fluid and graceful in her skiing and makes it look easy. It was likewise fun to see Jess following in her footsteps and starting to ski like her mom.

Similarly, it was gratifying to see PJ on the split boards working his way down the trails. He undertook any of the challenges and was skiing like someone who had been doing it for a couple of years instead of his first time out.  You can Jess and PJ skiing down one of the slopes  and that is me in the background with the backpack.

Tuesday – Wet Snow and Tired Legs…Then a Jack-ass Dinner

This was our last day on the slopes and it was warm early…which meant many wet snow areas. We did get in several runs before Cheri said she’d had enough and was heading back to turn in her skis. Jess, PJ and I made a few more runs and then we also worked our way back across the mountain to drop off our equipment and head back to the condo.

After picking up and finishing packing we headed back to Denver. Maggie was picked up and we got back in time to relax (or nap) a little before heading out for dinner.

bldg_signJess and PJ wanted to take us out to Pinche (Mexican for Jack-ass) Taqueria for dinner. Pinche started out with a taco truck and expanded to include this sit-down restaurant (and they still run the truck as well). We had an outstanding meal tapas style—many small servings that we shared—including small flour tortillas served with carnitas (pork), lengua (charred beef tongue), pork rind, guacamole, and fresh vegetables. It was wonderful and worth the wait to get into the restaurant. It was early to bed since we needed to get up for an early flight back on Wednesday.

In the interest of full disclosure…because I know you really want to know…I ended up falling four times over the six days.  Three of them on expert trails…one on a yellow patch of ice where trails merged (not an excuse…just a fact).  Plus, there was one incident getting off the chairlift.  Some contend that the individual on the snow board next to me may have pushed me, but I can neither confirm nor deny…it did seem more like the chair hitting me in the back of the legs before everyone cleared out, but since no one actually saw it …it may not have happened at all…I may have simply taken my skis off to get back with the group easier.  

What do you think…Another wonderful adventure…including our daughter and future son-in-law?


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