Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday Re-Cap

Once again the time has flown by.  A trip to Denver in early November would seem to be enough traveling coming into the holidays.,..but not so for Swenson's Adventures.

The week we came back from Denver was also the week of the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month...originally Remembrance Day for the signing of the World War One Armistice on the Western Front, and now known as Veterans' Day in the US. I had the day off and took advantage of the shortened (in this case quite shortened) week to join some friends from around the country.

 Viva 2010

Guys in general do not get together with just other guys to enjoy some time together...this trip was the exception. Earlier in the year I was at a conference planning meeting in Chicago with my good friend Ken Cates and he started talking about a trip he wanted to bring his dad on to celebrate his Dad's 75th birthday. The more we talked about it and who would or could be going on the trip the more it grew into Viva 2010

Over the following weeks and several E-mails Ken arranged for rooms at the Las Vegas MGM Grand for six of us. In addition, Ken made tee times for us at three different golf courses--Bear's Best, Desert Pines, Royal Links--for Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

As is the custom...what happened in Vegas stays in Vegas...with a few small exceptions in this case and very few pictures. First, I think Bear's Best golf course was the best course we played; it was in great shape and I liked it because it was my best play of the three outings (which to those of you who have golfed with me in the past know doesn't necessarily say much). I probably did well because I didn't over-think anything and just played.

The course was designed by Jack Nicklaus (the Golden Bear) based on his favorite holes. In addition to the beauty and the challenge of the course, the setting is in a resort community; so the holes are surrounded by homes that are in the tens of millions dollar range.

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Next, when we looked into travel back and forth to the courses and the number of cabs we would need for six of us plus clubs the math worked out better to get a limo. So our travel was in true Vegas style.



On the last day we had a group photo taken to verify that we were all in Vegas. From left to right are: Mitch Stern, Dick Moeller, Ken Cates, Dewey Cates, myself, and Doug Erickson in front.

Finally, the setting was right, the restaurants were great and I came back with more than twice the amount of money that I took to splurge on some gambling. And then the best thing yet...when I got home Cheri said, "you should make this an annual thing!"

Christmas on the Hill

The following weekend was 'Christmas on the Hill', an annual event put on by the Women's Fellowship of our church. There are craftwork, raffles, a silent auction, and cookies by the pound; plus we have a kitchen staff that sells homemade soups, chicken pot pies and sandwiches to order. The Bell Choir also plays a couple times during the meal. Besides making many ornaments and other decorations Cheri played bells and worked behind one of the tables. For my part I worked in the kitchen making sandwiches (I don't make ornaments, and besides I'd been away for Viva 2010).








Then it was time for one of the best holidays--Thanksgiving.   Since we  would probably eat too much later in the day Cheri and I went for a long walk early in the morning and I took a photo back towards the house from across the pond and fields.  You can barely make out the house…over the river and through the woods.


Cheri and I were invited to the Harrison's for a late afternoon Thanksgiving Dinner. Our niece Kristina was invited along as well and we had a wonderful time with good food and good friends. In addition to us there were Martha and Jamie's sons Christopher and Ben, Ben's wife Denise and their new daughter Stella; plus the Harrison's other friends Sue and Dan and Sue's brother Jack.

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Besides a great feast we had some time for games around the fireplace. A good time was had by all.



We woke up on Black Friday with Cheri and Kris each having to head off to work. My time has been spent putting up winter doors and getting out Christmas decorations...and updating the the adventures of November.


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