Friday, May 21, 2010

Dining on Twinkies

My brother Bill and I had quite a bit of time together over the last few weeks—see 39 Feet of Separation to see why—and spent some of that time talking about my new camera and photo software.  Cheri and Sheila said it  was, “f-stop this and bracketing that”, but in the end I learned quite a bit.  As a result you may be exposed (no pun intended) to some of my experiments.
IMG_0434_5_6_tonemapped 1 
Although it looks like some artwork…and I guess it actually is…this is a photo that I took of Yawkey Way on Tuesday night before the Sox took on the Twins. 

Actually, it is a composite of three photos with different exposures taken one after the other—this is the stuff Cheri and Sheila were talking about—and then blended together to make a single photo.  Playing with the software I stumbled upon this setting, and as a friend in Texas use to say (usually after I sank a long putt), “even a blind squirrel finds an acorn some times.”

My good friend James Morris had pulled us together for a night out at Fenway.  This was to be a night of James and I plus Robert, Thomas, Dan Manz and an engineer/lawyer and his wife—Brad and Kathy—to enjoy the Sox. 

Of course, when Dan is traveling something is bound to happen and this evening was no exception.  He had made it almost all the way to James’ house to join up with the northern group before heading to Boston, when he got a telephone call that required him to head back to the office in Burlington.  I don’t know the specifics, but suffice it to say that he was ‘bummed’ to miss seeing the Sox.

Brad is an engineer/lawyer that has done all of the legal paperwork on James’ various patents.  He and his wife Kathy were in Boston for a visit and we took this as an opportunity to  get to a game.   It didn’t matter that they live on Long Island and are Yankee’s fans…they wanted to go to Fenway.
We met at An Tua Na (A New Beginning)—an Irish pub type place I recommended—for some dinner before the game.  Since it was an Irish pub we did have to try the Guinness as well.  Then it was on to the Yawkey Way entrance and security seen above.

Robert was able to get us some great seats—only about 14 rows behind the Red Sox dugout. 
Looking to our left and up you can see the press box…
Then looking out onto the field this is what we saw…
Except when I took some pictures later in the evening and played with them some more on my computer…another blind squirrel event…
Overall the setting was great, the weather wonderful, being with friends made it special, and the Sox ate the Twinkies for dinner 6 – 2.
A great short adventure!


dvlwearingkhakis said...

Those look really great Dad, I'm very impressed. You should have one of them printed and hang-up in the house somewhere...and than I'll steal it and hang it in my house :)

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