Saturday, December 20, 2008

Does This Hot Fudge Sauce Taste Burnt to You?

We are having our first weekend with Sarah back home, and we've put her right to work! I've seen her working a vacuum, rolling out cookie dough and helping to make hot fudge sauce. So the house is looking like, and smelling like Christmas is coming. You can almost taste the candy cane cookies in the photo. Now if we could just get Jess home we'll be all set.

Leading into the weekend we had our first big snowstorm of the year. Last week it was ice on Friday and this week it was snow . . . and lots of it. Everyone was ready this time since there was advance notice. It started to snow around noon time and by evening it was starting to get serious.

Snowing off the Porch

The snow on the wreaths and the candles in the window was making the evening look nice.

Of course a little bit of snow was not going to keep us from enjoying the hot tub on a Friday evening. I shoveled out a path across the deck, cleared the snow from around the tub, we wrapped ourselves in towels and out we went.

103 degree water / 17 degrees outside air

By the next morning the snowing had stopped for awhile and everything looked fresh and clean with the new snow.

Sunday morning it was snowing again and it seemed to last all day. The Christmas Sunday service was very nice and Cheri rang bells in the anthem. The bell choir sounded great!

Following the service we had a pageant put on by the Sunday School members. I was the narrator and the kids were cute and wonderful as usual.

By the time we got back home there was enough snow to require shoveling out the walkways and portions of the driveway again.

We took care to keep the bird feeders full and we have been rewarded by seeing a few birds up close to the finch feeder, and a couple of cardinals around the big feeder (as well as several of their friends.)

We seem to be getting ready to enjoy Christmas with family and friends. Cheri is doing the lioness share of the preparations and it sure has been helpful to have Sarah here to chip in on the workload.

As far as the hot fudge sauce goes . . . if you get a chance to try any of Cheri's hot fudge sauce this year it should taste twice as good as other years. It seems we have thrown away as much as we have saved because it 'just didn't taste right.' Of course you know who is the primary taster....


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