Thursday, September 6, 2012

Trade Rumors Confirmed

Over the past weekend, in a move that was not surprising to anyone, Team Swenson and Team Walker announced a new joint venture arrangement involving trades and future prospects. The final steps of this arrangement are fully in place, but not before many last minute negotiations and backroom deals over Australian and U.S. wines.

In late August the parent organizations of both Teams began meeting in private to work out the final details of the event. Paul and Judy Walker arrived in Boston late Thursday evening (8/23) and were met by Cheri and myself. Under cover of darkness we collected them and headed to The Cottage in New Hampshire (our own form of Camp David).

During the next several days in New Hampshire we added additional members to Team Swenson (Jess and PJ...still under negotiation) and plied the jet-lagged parental leaders of Team Walker with Angus Beef, Maine Lobster, bay scallops, and some of the aforementioned wines. If being jet-lagged wasn't enough we kept active with swimming, kayaking, and a morning hike up Mt. Kearsarge.

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For relaxation, Cheri and Judy spent time cutting  out the donation announcements (a contribution to the World Food Bank) that would be distributed at the final event feast.

On Monday, since we had Team Walker softened up, we sent them off to Freeport, Maine. Our economy can always use the business and the Australian dollar made it worthwhile for them as well (well maybe for Judy and not so much for Paul).

Jess, PJ, Cheri and I headed to Boston where we met up with Sarah (Team Swenson) and Andrew (Team Walker) and several other parties interested in the upcoming events—Kate Walker; Will, Pip, and Isla Prothero; Steve and Marilyn Prothero, Russell, Tristan; James, Robert, and Thomas Morris; Amanda Ruggerio. We all had lunch at the Yard House a few blocks from Fenway Park and Jess presented Sarah and Andrew with some shirts that indicated the upcoming trade and the relationship to Red Sox Nation—born into it...married into it. Then it was off to an afternoon of baseball at Fenway where the Sox obliged us by actually winning a game.

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The rest of the week then began building. Paul and Judy arrived in Woodstock laden with bags that indicated their support of the New England economy...venues and accoutrements (flowers, napkins, napkin rings, banquet reviews, programs) were prepared and reviewed.

Paul, Andrew, PJ and I made a stop at the local wine merchant to finalize the wine needed for the rehearsal dinner (again supporting the local economy).


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Judy prepping
By Thursday all of the bridesmaids were in the area and Jess had arranged a bachelorette party for Sarah. The bridesmaids plus several good friends of Sarah made their way to The Cottage for Thursday evening and on Friday they headed to Boston for an evening out dining and dancing. Not having been there I can neither confirm nor deny any of the events that happened, but the word on the street is that security personnel had to go to their hotel room at 3 am to ask them to tone the sound level could have happened to anyone.

Rehearsal meant running through the event before the Church was full of people...a time to review what would be said...who would stand where and when...nervous laughing because it was starting to become real.

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Saturday was time for final preparations. Porta-potties were in place, tents were up, tableclothes in place, desserts made, barbeque pits built, the bar (and bartender) set, and we were off to the rehearsal.

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Then it was back to our house for the rehearsal dinner. With the bridal party and family members we began with a sampling of Australian treats on scatter trays—Tim Tam cookies, Vegemite finger sandwiches, and a mixed sampling of Australian (hand carried from Down Under) and US wines.


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While all these events were taking place a chicken barbeque for 35 was being prepared by Papa Fenton using a passed down family recipe. We thought that this meal would expose our Aussie friends to a standard American Labor Day weekend event...grilled chicken, potato salad, and baked beans...augmented with an Australian pumpkin and feta salad. Followed by Australian desserts of pavlova (a form of baked meringue topped with whipped cream and fresh fruit) and Stickey Date Pudding with Toffee sauce.

Paul and I made toasts to the future newly-weds and we all enjoyed a wonderful rehearsal dinner. By dessert time the party had swelled to about 75 (we had invited anyone coming to the wedding to stop by for drinks and dessert following the dinner). It was a great time to reconnect with some people we haven't seen in years and for people to make new friends.

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By 11 pm Team Walker (including Andrew) retired to the Publick House in Sturbridge while we made sure that Sarah went to bed early and got a good nights sleep.

Sunday morning started with me preparing eggs Benedict for the bride and bridesmaids (Sarah said it must be a special day) and then they were off with Cheri to the hairdressers. A few last minute things to do and the day seemed to fly by...

The photographer then showed up and it was time for us to get prepared. The photos pretty much speak for themselves...

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then into the limousine and off to the church. Again the photos say it all,

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but what they don't show are some things that only a few of us got to experience...Sarah and Jessica's sighs when Thomas began singing,






the smile on Sarah's face when it was just the two of us left to go in...the proud feeling of entering the doorway and seeing so many friends and family standing there looking at Sarah...and the excitement we felt when I asked her, “are you ready?” and we headed down the aisle.



It was a beautiful and meaningful service, and felt like it was over very fast.



Then it was on to the Publick House for a wedding feast and celebration.



Sarah had set up her camera with a wireless remote control and provided props so people could take some fun photos during the reception. A few of these are shown...a few are not shown (to protect those photo'd)...

There are many more and I am sure Sarah will be holding on to them to use at some point in the future…


Cheri and Judy provided the welcome and the first toasts to the newlyweds. Judy spoke about Andrew's travels to London where he met Sarah and how they came to know more about her, culminating with her moving to Australia to be with Andrew. She spoke of those who could not attend and how much they would enjoy this union, and she read a very moving note from her mother (Andrew's Nana) who is in a nursing home in New Zealand.

Cheri then provided her version of how Sarah and Andrew met...the stories that drifted back to us across the Atlantic...meeting Andrew for the first...and then the following times. Also ending with Sarah heading off to Canberra and as Cheri pointed out, “ Sarah and Andrew are the perfect example of when two people are meant to be together and are soul-mates, that no matter where you start in the world or how far apart you are, your hearts will find each other.”


Then there was dinner, cake cutting and dancing. The dancing started with Andrew and Sarah on the dance floor, then they asked anyone married for more than 50 years to join them, then more than 30 years, then 20...all the way down to if you brought someone with you to the wedding and ending with e if you just wanted to dance with everyone else. The dance floor was full.




Simon, the Best Man, toasted the couple filling in some background about Andrew...

Jess, Maid of Honor, toasted the couple also providing her point of view of their relationship blossoming, including “if Andrew came back after being exposed to the greater family...he must know what he is in for...”.

My dad then gave a blessing. It was very moving and blessed not only the meal, but the marriage of Sarah and Andrew. A very heartfelt message.

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IMG_2926Later in the evening we had the Father / Daughter dance to Jimmy Buffet's “Little Miss Magic” (Sarah's choice...I must have raised her right) and after a verse we asked all fathers and daughters to join in...another great time on the dance floor.

People danced, visited, and toasted well into the evening. It was a great celebration.

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Not wanting the time to end, and since Andrew and Sarah were heading back to Australia on Tuesday we had a brunch the next morning to help all the travelers on their way and spend some more time catching up with family and friends.

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Then it was time for the parental leaders of Team Walker to head out...

and all of our friends and family headed out.

Well almost all, we still had a good crowd around for the afternoon and then an evening meal of leftovers from the previous week. The night finished up with a card game called Shithead (it's what the game is named and I am leaving it at that). The goal of this game is to get rid of your cards with the last person standing taking on the game's name. Appropriately enough Sarah was the first to drop out and was soon followed by Andrew. It was a great way to end the evening.

(note Kate taking a look at Chris’ cards…I’m just saying…)
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Tuesday had Cheri and I taxiing two different groups to Boston for their flights across the country and the world. We then spent some time picking up around the house and packing before getting to The Cottage for a few days of relaxation before we close The Cottage for the season.

So the rumors were true...Team Walker and Team Swenson entered into a joint venture that resulted in one member moving to Team Walker but the parent organizations are already talking about the potential for future prospects coming out of this arrangement...nothing as of yet, but there is always the possibility of a young future player yet to be named...

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Following some relaxing time at The Cottage, it will be on to our future adventures...