Tuesday, October 5, 2010

2 Vehicles, 3 Events, 3 Days, 3 States…A Manz Style Adventure

At the end of the weekend we both commented, “…it was busy, but it sure was fun!”  After a busy week at work we once again took separate roads to reach the first destination of the weekend.

Cheri headed out on Friday morning to meet up with several of her classmates from the Mary Hitchcock School of Nursing for a somewhat impromptu reunion.  Her photos and write-up about the get together is another opportunity for a guest blog edition…along with the previously mention Basket Ladies’ Annual Maine Outing—see the follow-on section below.

On the other hand, I spent most of Friday at work finally heading out from Worcester around 4:30 pm on my way to Underhill, VT.  This weekend our separate roads were bringing us back to the annual Harvest Market.  Although the routes were slightly different we ended up at Gail Tuscany’s house Friday evening. 

Our usual pattern in past years has been to show up, pick up some cutlery, and begin chopping onions and peppers to go with the sausages cooked in the refreshment tent.  This year, I sidestepped that portion by first going to the Manz house and having a pizza dinner—I even acted as the delivery man—with the extended Manz and Morris clans.

HM 2010

Upon my arrival at the Tuscany estate, it appeared that I was not the only one to sidestep this ritual.  Gail and Cheri were enjoying some wine at the dining room table while Michelle, Justin and Michelle’s friend Stephanie were in the kitchen wielding the knives…the onions and peppers didn’t stand a chance.

Not wanting to tempt fate, when I arrived we opened another bottle of wine and retired to the back sun room…so as not to disturb the workers.

The next morning we were on our way to the Market area at a reasonable time—we wanted to get parked before the Parade and we managed to sleep in just enough to justify missing the 5k fun run. 

Liz Manz is a co-chair of the Country Store tent—which Cheri and I use to chair (we’ve passed it to good hands) and  traditionally work—so we chipped right in by bringing over 100 pies out of the church and setting up displays on the tables in the tent.  I also set up the Cabot Cheese cutting, weighing and sales area.

We had pies, gourds, candy, and cheese…


We just needed to wait for people to come…and although it was a little overcast, soon after the parade they came.  It didn’t feel like a big rush, but it was steady…



And we all worked…and took some breaks…

Harvard Market 2010-2

And by the end of the day 3/4 of the pies were sold, five grain bags of corn cooked and eaten, and over 200 lbs of cheese—sharp and extra sharp—cut, wrapped almost all sold.

Then it was off to the Manz home for another chance to share a meal and good times together.  There were toasts to the recently engaged couples, stories that “could have happened to anyone…” , recognition of a new 30 year old, and some time spent by the bonfire (or fire bon as Dan called it…a little too close to Quebec).

Harvard Market 2010-3

This was also a chance to get another generational photo with some additions, but missing Jess, Sarah and Miss Margaret…


We were back to Gail’s early since we wanted to be on the road heading for Connecticut by 4:30 am—it was Jamie Harrison’s last Sunday as the minister of our church after 35 years…we wanted to be there.

Sunday’s service was very moving with all of the choirs performing.



Lynn Singleton and John Holt presented a proclamation from the UCC Connecticut Conference and a gift basket of wine from the Deacons.


Finally, Jim Nowak presented Jamie with a bronze plaque that will be mounted in the Great Room…dedicating the room as The Jamie Harrison Fellowship Hall.

Jamies Last Sunday  

…and Jamie’s sermon was aptly named, The Last Word.

But he didn’t really have the last word since we had a celebration event following the service.


John Cimochowski as the Church Moderator conducted the celebration—reading a proclamation from the Governor as well as providing a life-time Connecticut State Park Pass to Jamie.


Bob Donahue gave an honorary sous chef award and some gag-gifts to Jamie for all his work in the kitchen over the years.  I, representing the Board of Trustees and the Staff, presented Jamie with some travel brochures and the “going away purse” raised by members and friends to be used to support some travels of Martha and Jamie.

Jamies Last Sunday-1 
The plaque includes Jamie’s benediction, which we have all come to know…

Dear Friends, we know that life is short and we do not have much time to gladden the hearts of those who travel with us.  Therefore, be swift to love and make haste to be kind.  And may the blessing of God  Almighty, Creator, Redeemer, and Holy Comforter be with you today and forever more.  Amen

What a series of Adventures….


A Guest Blogger:  Beaches, Baskets, and Nurses…

My September vacation was extended as it coincided with the “Annual Basket Ladies Maine Trip”.  It’s a  tradition that began several years ago with friends from Underhill Vermont.  It’s the same group  staying at the same place in the same rooms.  And we never get tired of it.  

We were missing one of our members as she had conflicting events.  We talked about her…..I mean we thought about her all week-end!! 

It’s a wonderful opportunity to catch up on our lives, laugh a lot, relax, read, catch some sun, and wander through the shops in Ogunquit and Wells.  There is nothing like the fun of spending time with girl friends. 

We arrived on Friday within a short time of each other and since the sun was over the “yardarm”  appetizers and drinks were brought out on the back deck while we admired the view and visited. 




We then decided to go down to the beach for a long walk.  Here the ladies are proudly displaying their beach shoes1



Our new favorite summer drink…..
Sweet Tea Vodka and Lemonade.  If you haven’t tried it you are missing a great drink.  Gail and I discovered  this drink when we were in Charleston this year.

Of course there is always our annual standard……Lemon Drop Martini’s made by yours truly.



For several years I had wanted to check out a new restaurant in Ogunquit called Tapas and ‘Tinis.  This was the year.  We shared a nice selection of Tapas and enjoyed  Latin music. 

Then it was back to our rooms for our nightly ritual of  cards and games until the late hour of “almost” midnight.  We’re such a wild group!!  This year’s  games were Skip-Bo and Left, Right, Center.  Left, Right, Center involved money on a very small scale and brought a whole new level of fun to our game nights. 


We did  get up early because the sun and coffee were calling most people by 7am.  This time we sat out on the front deck to enjoy the sun and to spend a couple of hours visiting and laughing.   Once we decided the sun was warm enough we put on our bathing suits and gathered our beach gear to head out to the beach. 




We had several beautiful sunny days but the wind was blowing most of the time and the temperatures were in the 60’s.  We started out in bathing suits but the towels soon went around our legs and the sweatshirts came out too.  There were a few that thought  it was a personal challenge to see how long they could expose themselves to the sun.  Drinks on the beach didn’t help warm things up but at least we were on the beach!



Whenever I am in Wells it is a must to get over to The Golden Rod and pick up saltwater taffy.  We went there for breakfast and to pick up taffy.  I never get tired of watching them make the taffy through the big windows.  It is such a tradition of my childhood.  I send most of the taffy I bought off to the girls.

Another treat this weekend was getting out to The Scoop Deck before it closed.  They have many many flavors of ice cream to choose from and it is delicious!   We decided that maybe we should work for some of our “treats” so the last day in Maine we biked the long 1.5 miles to Congdon’s Donuts in the morning.!!  i am sure we burned off at least a couple bites of our donuts!

We had sun, sand and plenty of beach.  Books were read, suduko puzzels solved and we had time to relax together.  We couldn’t ask for more…….at least until next year.  Same time, same place, same group.


I was lucky enough to have another very special  “girls time” at the beginning of our busy 3 event week-end.
For several years, since I moved to Connecticut, I have been talking about getting together with several  classmates from nursing school who I still keep in touch with.  Each year at the end of my Christmas letter I write, “we really ought to get together this year.”  Finally, this was the year!  We found a date that worked for the four of us and decided to meet in Walpole NH at Shelia Malloy Lennon’s home. 

Jayne Machaj Fernholtz came from Gilmington NH, Paula O’Donnell Chang flew up from Florida and I stopped off  on my way to Vermont.  On the drive up I wondered how the visit would go once the initial greetings were over and we filled each other in on husbands and kids.  After all it had been 31 years since we had been together.  Could we find enough to talk about? 

I arrived at 11 am and as soon as I heard Sheila’s voice the years melted away and it was like no time had gone by.  Everyone gathered on her porch to beginning catching up before going out to lunch at L.A. Burdick’s Restaurant famous for their handmade chocolates.

IMG_0083  IMG_0084

Shelia gave us a tour of her new town and her beautiful home.  The only lulls in our conversations were filled by laughter.  Before I knew  it it was 5:30 and I was late for my next event. 

One day was not enough time to spend with these wonderful women and it was very clear that the bonds of friendship that were formed 34 years ago as freshmen are just as strong despite the lack of opportunity to be together.  It will not take us 31 years to get together again!

We don’t think we’ve changed much in 31 years but here is a Then and Now picture.

Graduation 1979
              CHERI                   SHELIA             JAYNE                                    PAULA
           CHERI                       PAULA                 SHELIA                       JAYNE

Headshot End-note—Keep Reading…

As we finished out this week…and before we could get the last weekend note posted…we received the message that there is another Swenson Boy in the world—women watch out!

Crew Michael Swenson was born on Friday 10/01/10, and Cheri and I took my Dad (Great – Grampy) to meet him on Sunday afternoon.  Here are some photos of us with Crew, including one of the four generation line in this branch of the family.

IMG_2161 IMG_2160.CR2 

Crew’s Adventures are just beginning…along with mom and dad’s…